Letter from the Rectory

Dear friends,
As I write this letter in the middle of June on a cold grey and rainy day the thought of Summer and summer time seems to still be far way.… Read the whole story
Dear friends,
As I write this letter in the middle of June on a cold grey and rainy day the thought of Summer and summer time seems to still be far way.… Read the whole story
Dear Friends and Neighbours,
This month on 16th June it is Father’s Day. For many it’s a time to celebrate and be thankful for their father and the father figures in their lives but for others it’s a day that some really struggle with …for all kinds of reasons.… Read the whole story
We were terribly lucky and had at least 24 children trying to decipher the little clues around the village, thanks to Charlotte’s wonderful questions, they all seemed to be busy in little groups trying to find the various answers to the clues.… Read the whole story
Thanks to the extremely excellent work by Terry Andrew’s making the most beautiful noticeboard for the church, and the great engraving of the lettering “St Peters Hepworth” by Richard Argent, Hepworth is now the proud owner of the most magnificent Church Notice Board.… Read the whole story
I would like to thank all those involved who arranged a birthday surprise for me at the pavilion, at the coffee morning. It was very touching to know I have such good friends in the village.… Read the whole story
On the 24th December a short walk from Church Road up to the A143 yielded 142 separate pieces of litter…..crisp bags, cans, bottles, sandwich boxes, cigarette boxes, etc.… Read the whole story
How lovely it is to have had the conifers surrounding the recreation ground cut to a reasonable height.
One man completed the job in two days!!!… Read the whole story
We have had TWO, most successful and really enjoyable evenings in the Hepworth Village Hall.
Firstly we had Ron Bacon’s marvellous pub games, darts, pool, skittles, etc.… Read the whole story
In loving memory of My Husband
Who sadly passed away on the 17th March 2022, aged 83.
On his behalf I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful floral tributes, cards and letters of support that I have received.… Read the whole story
Thank you, I think Carol, for cutting the path at the back of the bungalows, on to the top road.
It is so nice for the walkers to have that path cleared, thank you.… Read the whole story
As Margaret and John step down from the Recreation Ground Committee I feel this is a perfect opportunity to highlight all the multitude of events and functions that Margaret and John have voluntarily organised over the years that have enriched our village life.… Read the whole story
On behalf of all the residents of the village, Hepworth Parish Council would like to give a heartfelt vote of thanks to Margaret and John Beales as they resign from their positions on the Hepworth Recreation Committee.… Read the whole story
During the Christmas Period, a number of households in the village received a mysterious parcel from Santa and their Elf. A couple of thank yous were received!… Read the whole story
I would like to say a huge thank you to all those who contributed towards the Willow Green Go Fund Me appeal. Thanks to your generosity we raised a total of £750 which has been shared equally between the three affected
households.… Read the whole story
Tina and Russell would just like to say a big THANK YOU to all the people who bought our plums and also made contributions to raise funds for The Donkey Sanctuary in Weston near Sidmouth.… Read the whole story
I would like to thank Michelle Waterson and Ann-Marie
Thomas for organizing volunteering in Hepworth and also
to say thank you to all the residents who have volunteered
to help their neighbours during these difficult times.… Read the whole story
Councillor Spicer has chased twice for the plans and costings for
some traffic calming measures in Hepworth along the Street, but has
so far not received a response.… Read the whole story