Sadly, despite a recent renovation, our village sign is beyond repair. However, this provides a wonderful opportunity for all you budding artists and designers out there to design a new sign for Hepworth. The sign must represent Hepworth in some way.
Please draw your design in colour on an A4 sheet of paper and mount it on card. Please accompany your design with a small explanation as to what you would like your sign to be made of and the reasons behind your design.
The closing date for all entries is 1st May 2019. Entries to be given to Louise Robinson, Bakery Cottage, Church Lane.
The designs will be displayed at the Parish Council AGM at the recreation Hall on Thursday, 9th May 2019 where you, the villagers, can vote for your favourite design.
The winning design will be made and the winner will have the honour of unveiling their design at a future date.