For all her dedicated work for the villagers of Hepworth.
Having been lucky enough to count Margaret as a friend for so many years, may I take this opportunity to reflect on how much she unselfishly did in the running of the social life of Hepworth to help enrich our village.
Margaret was warm and welcoming, caring in being hugely instrumental in entertaining all age groups in the village via the Social Club with jointly running the Youth Club for many years and the enormous task of funding and organising the annual Christmas Pensioners luncheon (now brilliantly resurrected by present volunteers).
The Village Lottery was initially set up to fund the Social Club and Margaret was one of the three dedicated organisers who spent many hours counting the monies and filing all the necessary official paperwork – no easy task
I was privileged to sit alongside Margaret on the Parish Council for quite a while and have very happy personal memories of a day spent together looking over the Ikea site at Nottingham when the Company invited Parish Councillors to see the actual running of one of their plants when Ikea was actively considering coming to Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate – sadly, in the end they withdrew but what an informative visit
When the Parish Council was approached for a nomination for a deserving couple to go to a Buckingham Palace Garden Party to salute their contribution to their local Community, the Council was unanimous in putting forward Margaret and John for this well earned honour, and I know Margaret was so touched by this gesture and thoroughly enjoyed that day There were so many aspects of village life in which she was actively involved such as helping with organising the Silver Jubilee Celebrations when the whole village joined in children and family games on a field in Beck Street followed by evening food and dancing in the Barn at the Old Rectory (the then Village Hall) and we all had a brilliant day. The current hall was built later and Margaret was booking officer for that for many years, still managing to be active with that even when she became ill
Margaret was such a true friend to everyone in the village and along with all the time and effort she gladly put in to make all these events work, I know of many quiet, unspoken kindness she showed in the background
Whilst recalling all that she contributed to Hepworth and its inhabitants, it goes without saying that this was always done as a close knit and loving team with her husband, John, and may I pass on my sincere condolences, and from us all, to him on losing a life partner and best friend. I hope the knowledge of the love and respect in which Margaret was held by all the residents of Hepworth will now be of some comfort to him
A life lived well and to the full, Margaret, in the support of others
Marjorie Mac