50% Eco Friendly Insulation for Suffolk Residents

Anyone in Suffolk can receive a 50% discount off their purchase of 200mm or 370mm wide insulation rolls (up to E200) with free delivery.… Read the whole story
Anyone in Suffolk can receive a 50% discount off their purchase of 200mm or 370mm wide insulation rolls (up to E200) with free delivery.… Read the whole story
Saturday, 11th May 2024 @ 0930
Sausage sandwiches provided!
Contact Jane on 01359 250 347 to offer help.
Please book a table by calling 01359 250 347 – teams of up to 6 people, and tickets are £5 per head.
Please bring refreshements.… Read the whole story
The elections for Parish Councils will take place on 2nd May 2019, this is your opportunity to help shape your community’s future and lend your voice and life experiences to help make decisions for your community in these challenging times.… Read the whole story
We currently have two vacancies for members of the public to become Parish Councillors.
If you feel you would like to get involved in making decisions about your local community,
local issues and make a significant contribution to the area in which you live or work, then this
is the position for you!… Read the whole story
Hepworth Parish Council is looking for someone who could carry out light maintenance and tidying up around the village. The work would take around one to two hours per month, paid at £10 per hour.… Read the whole story