Coffee morning at the Pavilion on Thursday 16th February was a bit special this time as we all got together to celebrate Terry Andrew’s 80th birthday albeit a little early. Tamar Haddock and Ann Flint worked their wonders, providing us with hot tea and coffee as well as delicious snacks of quiche and sausage rolls. Theresa Andrews made some excellent homemade shortbread and Jane Duffield baked a deliciously moist fruit cake complete with Terry’s garden shed, Terry in his overalls and candles as decoration. We all sang happy birthday while Peggy the dog ran about our feet looking for dropped bits of sausage roll. It was lovely to see such a big turnout, but not surprising given the occasion. Terry is a much loved and valued Hepworthian.
A special thank you goes to Tamar and Ann for continuing to provide coffee mornings every alternate Thursday. It really is a greatly appreciated service to Hepworth, where residents can catch up on local news and share good company.