During 2024, Hepworth 2 Enjoy were hard at work, raising the funds for the village Pensioners’ Christmas Lunch. The Christmas meal is a wonderful way of getting the village together and each of the fund raising events was good fun too.
There was the Pudding Club (so many calories!), the Sausage Supper (my first introduction to Colcannon!) and the French Evening, with such delicious cheeses. There was another Quiz Night, to awaken the little grey cells – which famous, fictional detective used that phrase?
Each event involves preparation and planning, shopping and cooking, donating raffle prizes, furniture moving, decorating and washing up in order to ensure that the event does make a profit, contributing to the cost of the Christmas lunch. In 2024, the charge was £20 per head. We have realised that it is unsustainable for a small group of people (pensioners themselves!) to continue to provide a free Christmas lunch for all the pensioners in the village. This year, we will continue to fund raise, in order to subsidise the cost of the Christmas lunch but there will be a charge. Of course, please let us know if this would cause you difficulty.