We spent the first half of our first meeting of the New Year discussing the short list of five resolutions to go to our National AGM in Cardiff in June. All five had good reasons for being chosen and our votes on them will be taken account in the final decision.
We followed this with a welcome glass of mulled wine or non-alcoholic beverage and some enjoyable nibbles while listening to a selection of favourite songs and pieces of music. This gave us a chance to catch up on news and to consider the events being put on
by the Federation in the next few months.
On February 8th we have a speaker Frances Hart who will be telling us all about Celia’s travels. Not our president Celia but Celia Fiennes and it promises to be an interesting evening.
The meeting is at Hepworth Pavilion at 7.30pm when visitors who want to know
more about the WI are very welcome. If you want more information about Hepworth and District WI please ring me or for general information about the WI look online at either the national federation web pages (https://www.thewi.org.uk) or the west
suffolk one (http://j.mp/WI-suffolk-west).
Brenda Last 01359 221307