Along The Street:
September 2019: 2 Sessions 12 vehicles logged Max. = 50 mph
October 2019: 2 Sessions 13 vehicles logged Max. = 43 mph
For more information about Speedwatch, or to get involved, call Richard on 250 484.
Summary of Speed Indicator Device
Reports of data for 9 weeks, 3rd July to 3rd September
The Device was sited after Highfield Farm on the right when leaving village.
Arriving into the village from the A143 end of The Street, Hepworth.
Total number of vehicles: – 17116
Average speed for ALL vehicles:- 33 mph
% between 21 and 30 mph:- 62% % between 31 and 40 mph:- 30%
% between 41 and 50 mph:- 1% % between 51 and 60 mph:- < 1%
No. of incidents of 60mph to 70mph:- 1
Highest speed recorded:- 62mph on 19th August at 22:28 hrs
Leaving the village toward the A143 on The Street, Hepworth.
Total number of vehicles: – 16352
Average speed for ALL vehicles:- 34 mph
% between 21 and 30 mph:- 52% % between 31 and 40 mph:- 40%
% between 41 and 50 mph:- 2% % between 51 and 60 mph:- < 1%
No. of incidents of 60mph to 70mph:- 2
No. of incidents of 70mph to 80mph:- 1
Highest speed recorded:- 75mph on 12th August at 07:52 hrs
Reports of data for 4 weeks, 3rd September to 2nd October
The Device was sited before the bus stop on the right when leaving village.
Arriving from the Barningham end of The Street, Hepworth.
Total number of vehicles: – 7714
Average speed for ALL vehicles:- 33 mph
% between 21 and 30 mph:- 63% % between 31 and 40 mph:- 27%
% between 41 and 50 mph:- 1% % between 51 and 60 mph:- < 1%
Highest speed recorded:- 52mph, 9th Sept at 22.55 & 12th Sept at 18:01
Leaving the village toward Barningham on The Street, Hepworth.
Total number of vehicles: – 7793
Average speed for ALL vehicles:- 33 mph
% between 21 and 30 mph:- 58% % between 31 and 40 mph:- 34%
% between 41 and 50 mph:- 1% % between 51 and 60 mph:- < 1%
Highest speed recorded:- 57mph on 14th Sept at 04:08 hrs