(as measured on The Street)
November 2018
Max. Temp: 16.1C 6th
Min. Temp: -2.1C 21st
Total Rainfall: 49.3mm
Wettest Day: 11.8mm 10th
A mild and rather dry month with few windy days. Only 1 air frost recorded and hence much bloom in the garden still at the end of the month. Foggy mornings on the 22nd and 23rd.
December 2018
Max Temp: 14.3C 2nd
Min. Temp: -1.3C 25th
Total Rainfall: 60.3mm
Wettest Day: 10.0mm 20th
Another mild month with rainfall about average. Ironically, in such a mild month, that Christmas Day should dawn with the first ‘hoar’ frost of the winter. ‘Sleet’ (rain and snow together) showers observed early morning of the 14th.
Kindly provided by Richard Hinton. See the latest weather and historical Hepworth weather data at http://j.mp/HepworthWS