If you would like to attend any of our services across December, please would you book in with the churchwarden for your church (details below). We will ask you to please wear a mask (unless you have an exemption). We will also ask you to sanitise your hands as you enter and give your details for track and trace purposes.
Obviously, at the time of preparing this we have no idea if we will be allowed to hold church services In our church buildings, so please keep an eye on your church notice boards, the churches’ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/unitedbenefice
We will try to keep you as updated as we can.
We plan to continue live-streaming a service every Sunday morning at 10.00am to www.facebook.com/unitedbenefice.
We will also be live streaming some of the Carol Service too.
Churchwardens contact details for booking services:
- Barningham: Mrs J Holdsworth 01359 220011
- Coney Weston: Mr Keith Lewis 01359 221587
- Hepworth: Rev Cathy Bladen 01359 250239
- Hinderclay: Mrs Kate Rose 01379 898562
- Hopton: Mr Rob Waugh 01953 688386
- Market Weston: Mr Richard Chatham 01359 221280
- Stanton: Mrs Angie Burrows 01359 250008
- Thelnetham: Mrs Karen Warren 01379 898713