Hepworth Parish Council generally meets on the third Thursday of every other month. Extraordinary meetings may be arranged in between these dates if necessary. The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council is held in May and includes the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Agendas for each meeting will appear on this website and on the village noticeboard in advance. The meetings are held at Hepworth Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome, and the meeting will normally be adjourned to hear any comments that they wish to make.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is held in April at Hepworth Village Hall. This is not a Council meeting, although it will be chaired by the Chairperson of the Parish Council. It is a meeting of the parish electors and provides an opportunity to celebrate activities or achievements in the village and discuss current issues.

The confirmed minutes of past Annual Parish Meetings are as follows:

The booklet for the next Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May 24 at 7pm in Hepworth Pavilion can be found here:

The draft minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May 24 are as follows:

Parish Council Meeting dates

They can also be found in this document:

Archive of Parish Council Minutes and Agendas