Voter ID

In an attempt to disenfranchise predominantly poorer and marginalised voters and communities across the country, the UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections.… Read the whole story

Still going! We would like a few more to join us if possible. It’s a good opportunity to use a big table for cutting out or laying out your work… Read the whole story

Roe Deer

As I stopped by, that dark night,
Three roe in a gateway stood;
They seemed bemused by my light
So far from their darkened wood.

They stood ungainly and peered
Like kids or lambs fill’d with glee;
And then by magic appeared
Another to join the said three.… Read the whole story

Travels Downunder – A Reminiscence: Part 12

We left our explorers investigating the sights of Perth and surrounding areas, whilst waiting for better weather…

As mentioned in our last chapter we didn’t want to venture too far north until the end of April so we were still exploring Perth and the surrounding area well into April and decided it was one of the nicest areas we’d been to so far, but as we said before, it’s just so far away from the rest of the world.… Read the whole story

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