New Bus Times

New bus times start on Monday, 24th February 2025.

A new bus timetable has been published for the 73 and 73A Simonds buses. Only the 73A passes directly through the village, and this is once in each direction each day – towards Thurston college and Bury St Edmunds in the morning, and returning early afternoon, on school days only.… Read the whole story

Winter on the Farm

Our small flock of forty or so Shetlands live on our tiny farm on the Suffolk/Norfolk border. The farm has always had a mixed arable rotation, but with only 80 acres to work with it gradually made more and more sense for us to make a change and enter the whole farm into a five year Countryside Stewardship Scheme.… Read the whole story

Margaret Beales, Church Close, Hepworth

It is with great sadness that I have to announce the loss of my wife and best friend Margaret.… Read the whole story

Village Voices

Announcing the relaunch of the Hepworth Angels!

This is an open invitation to join Village Voices our welcoming group of local people from Hepworth and surrounding villages who enjoy singing and/or playing an instrument as an accompaniment.… Read the whole story

St Peter’s

St Peter’s Church, Hepworth stands at the high point of the village, visible from a distance. It is an ancient building, Grade 2 listed, mostly dating to the 14 th and 15 th centuries, although there are stones from an earlier, 11 th or 12 th century building.… Read the whole story

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