Hepworth Lottery – November, December & January

10.11.18Autumn Cottage.24 Church Close.Autumn Cottage
17.11.187 Church Close.12 Church Close.Maltings Farm
24.11.18Randall.Stone Cottage Mark.Hunt
1.12.1839 The Street.22 Church Close.24 Church Close
8.12.18Willowdown.Maltings Farm.R.Vernon
15.12.18Poplars.22 Church Close.Ferguson
22.12.1839 The Street.Autumn Cottage.Randall
29.12.18————– Holiday week ————–
5.1.19M.Allen.30 Church Close.Horrex

Thanks to everyone who took part in the lottery in 2018.

For more information about Hepworth Lottery, call 01359 250 048