Hepworth Weather – Sept & Oct 2022

September 2022:Max . Temp:27.2ºC3rd
Min. Temp:2.8ºC29th
Total Rainfall:54.1mm
Wettest Day:16.0mm7th
October 2022:Max. Temp:20.8ºC5th
Min. Temp:3.9ºC11th
Total Rainfall:38.3mm
Wettest Day:9.8mm23rd

September 2022: An average month with no extremes of temperature or precipitation and with rainfall slightly below average. More ‘autumnal’ during the second half of the month with cool nights, although no air or grass frost recorded. Gardens, grass and general vegetation now recovered from summer heat and drought. In fact much bloom in the garden into the first week of October.

October 2022: A very mild, rather dry month with most of the rain falling in the second half. Mean temperatures, both night and day were well above average, particularly during the second half of the month. No air or grass frost recorded. By the end of the month there was more bloom in the garden than there was in July/August.