Each half term, we choose one of our core values to focus on and this half term, we have been looking at ‘to give’. We have
been working on the importance of giving to others and how this links to the Christian value of ‘service’.
We linked this understanding of giving to others and service to the importance of Remembrance Day.

Owl Class took part and led the local service at St Andrew’s church where we commemorated the lives of the soldiers who gave their lives in service to our country. The children read out the names of each of the soldiers from the village who died during World War 1 and World War 2 and placed a cross for each one by the cenotaph; to ensure that we will remember them for everything they did to serve others.
We also fundraised at schools through selling snap bands, poppies and other items – where all the money raised went towards supporting the British Legion – showing our core value in action!
As we continue to think about the importance of giving and service, we have begun all our preparations for Christmas – a time for giving. The Friends of Barningham have been preparing for our Christmas Fayre, an opportunity to give our time to fundraise for the school which takes place on Saturday 26th November. We are also preparing for our Christingle Service, where we will be fundraising for the Children Society, which will take place on Monday 5th December at St Andrew’s Church at 9.30am. Please come and join us if you can.
From all the staff and pupils at Barningham CEVCP, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyous start to the new year.
Stephany Hunter