Recreation Ground
The Parish Council have been asked to update/improve the Recreation Ground facilities, swings, slide etc. This is a very expensive project, in the region of £20,000 to £30,000.… Read the whole story
The Parish Council have been asked to update/improve the Recreation Ground facilities, swings, slide etc. This is a very expensive project, in the region of £20,000 to £30,000.… Read the whole story
Would you be interested in joining a neighbourhood watch scheme in Hepworth?
The aim of a NWS is to look out for each other, keep in touch with policing news and any crime issues that can help raise awareness.… Read the whole story
One of the suggestions collected via our ‘Post-it Note Suggestion Board’ at the Annual Parish Meeting in April was the provision of allotments .… Read the whole story
Towards the end of July 2018 it was discovered that the Parish Council Notice board, sited at Wood Lane, had been vandalised.
The glass had been smashed in two places meaning it was no longer weatherproof, and would need to be replaced using Parish Council funds that could have been more productively spent elsewhere in the village.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
Hepworth Annual Parish meeting will take place at 7pm on 5th April 2018 at Hepworth Pavilion. This social event is for all Hepworth Parishioners.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
that due to the resignation of Councillors Margaret Beales and John Beales, two vacancies
have arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.… Read the whole story