Hepworth Speedwatch SID

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Device No. 1 at the A143 end of The Street

8 weeks from 25th August to 22nd October 2021.

Vehicles arriving into village from the A143:

Total number of vehicles:- 28232
Average speed for ALL vehicles:- 33mph
Total number of vehicle speeds above 30 mph:- 9342 (33.09%)
No.… Read the whole story

The best scarecrows are in Hepworth!

A wonderful display of 26 scarecrows were seen around the village over the last few days. Sadly, there had to be a winner, and so at the village picnic we discovered that Steph Arnold retained her title for a second year, with the magnificent ‘all potted out’

2nd place was Michelle Waterson with ‘Walking the Dog’ and in 3rd, The Shearer Family with ‘The Iron Man’.… Read the whole story

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