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As you all know we have a speeding problem in our village and we would like to thank the SpeedWatch team for their ongoing work in monitoring vehicle speeds through Hepworth.… Read the whole story

Letter from Rev. Cathy Bladen

Dear Friends & Neighbours,

As we head into Autumn, I’m reminded of the words from Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 that were read at the Queen’s Service of Remembrance at Edinburgh Cathedral;

‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:  a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…’

For me as a Christian, Autumn with its harvest of crops and fruits is a wonderful reminder that no matter what is happening in the world the seasons keep turning and there is always hope of new things and times to come… even if in the moment we find it hard to feel the hope.… Read the whole story

We have had TWO, most successful and really enjoyable evenings in the Hepworth Village Hall.

Firstly we had Ron Bacon’s marvellous pub games, darts, pool, skittles, etc.… Read the whole story

From now until the end of October the Church will be open

Daily 10 – 4

for private prayer and reflection.

You are most welcome.… Read the whole story

In loving memory of My Husband

Brian Newberry

Who sadly passed away on the 17th March 2022, aged 83.

On his behalf I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful floral tributes, cards and letters of support that I have received.… Read the whole story

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