Macmillan Coffee Morning

David and Carol would like to thank you all for your fabulous support at their 2021 coffee morning for Macmillan.

An enormous


was raised for this amazing cause, and thanks go to all who attended and donated items and baking on the day, and of course our extremely generous sponsors and all our helpers!… Read the whole story

Speedwatch Team

Speedwatch Logo

Along The Street:

July 2021:
August 2021:
1 sessions 1 vehicles logged
2 sessions 12 vehicles logged
max speed = 36 mph
max speed = 41 mph

For more information about Speedwatch, or to get involved,
call Richard on 251 484 or 07979745990… Read the whole story

Speedwatch Devices

Speedwatch Logo

Device No. 1 at the A143 end of The Street

7 weeks from 8th July to 25th August 2021.

Vehicles arriving into village from the A143:

Total number of vehicles: – 22280
Average speed for ALL vehicles:- 33mph
Total number of vehicle speeds above 30 mph:- 7526 (33.78%)
No.… Read the whole story

The best scarecrows are in Hepworth!

A wonderful display of 26 scarecrows were seen around the village over the last few days. Sadly, there had to be a winner, and so at the village picnic we discovered that Steph Arnold retained her title for a second year, with the magnificent ‘all potted out’

2nd place was Michelle Waterson with ‘Walking the Dog’ and in 3rd, The Shearer Family with ‘The Iron Man’.… Read the whole story

March 2021 Services in the Benefice

Sunday 14th March
Mothering Sunday
Coney Weston9.30amHoly Communion
Hinderclay 9.30 amVillage Service
Hopton10.00amAll Age
Stanton11.00amFamily Communion
Sunday 21st MarchBarningham11.00amHoly Communion
Hinderclay9.30amHoly Communion
Sunday 28th March
Palm Sunday
Barningham 11.00amVillage Service
Hopton10.00amHoly Communion
Stanton10.30amPalm Sunday Celebration with Methodist Church

Maundy Thursday 1st April



Good Friday 2nd April

Bike Ride
Starting at Barningham Church




Easter Sunday 4th April
Hepworth9.30amFamily Communion
Market Weston11.00amFamily Communion
Stanton11.00amFamily Communion
Thelnetham9.30amFamily Communion
Read the whole story

Services for Holy Week and Easter

Maundy Thursday 1st April

Evening Service 7.00pm Barningham Church

Good Friday 2nd April

Benefice Bike Ride 9.30am… Starting at Barningham Church
Good Friday Service 2.30pm Hinderclay Church

Easter Sunday 4th April

Family Services of Holy Communion at:

9.30am Hepworth
9.30am Thelnetham
11:00am Market Weston
11:00am Stanton… Read the whole story

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