In an attempt to disenfranchise predominantly poorer and marginalised voters and communities across the country, the UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections.… Read the whole story
There are plans being made for some village fun to celebrate the Coronation.
Please keep the day free, and join us at the Pavilion on the 8th.… Read the whole story
Still going! We would like a few more to join us if possible. It’s a good opportunity to use a big table for cutting out or laying out your work… Read the whole story
Hepworth Parish Council is looking for an enthusiastic and selfmotivated person who is community minded and enjoys working with the public, to take on the role of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.… Read the whole story
I’m writing this letter in the middle of January and it’s wet and cold and grey outside. I’ve just spent half an hour on my exercise bike desperately trying to keep my New Year’s resolution to get fit going… and it’s hard.… Read the whole story
We left our explorers investigating the sights of Perth and surrounding areas, whilst waiting for better weather…
As mentioned in our last chapter we didn’t want to venture too far north until the end of April so we were still exploring Perth and the surrounding area well into April and decided it was one of the nicest areas we’d been to so far, but as we said before, it’s just so far away from the rest of the world.… Read the whole story
Device No. 1 at A143 end of The Street 15 weeks from 15/09/2022 to 01/01/2023.
Vehicles arriving into village from the A143: Total number of vehicles:- 38768 Average speed for ALL vehicles:- 29mph Total number of vehicle speeds above 30 mph:- 12297 (31.72%) No.… Read the whole story
The weekend of 24th -25th September saw St Peter’s Church full of colour, when 17 flower arrangers produced wonderful decorations on the theme of ‘Harvest’.… Read the whole story
Each half term, we choose one of our core values to focus on and this half term, we have been looking at ‘to give’. We have been working on the importance of giving to others and how this links to the Christian value of ‘service’.… Read the whole story
Notice is hereby given that there are two vacancies on Hepworth Parish Council. These vacancies have previously been advertised, and no election has been requested.… Read the whole story
Dear Friends & Neighbours, Having helped in Media Studies Classes at Thomas Mills High School in Framlingham for many years I always wait with anticipation for the Christmas adverts to arrive.… Read the whole story
Our travellers have just spent some time watching a pod of dolphins gambolling in the breakers…
After our encounter with the dolphins at Torbay we hit the road again following the coast westward towards the most south western point of Australia, near the town of Augusta.… Read the whole story
As you all know we have a speeding problem in our village and we would like to thank the SpeedWatch team for their ongoing work in monitoring vehicle speeds through Hepworth.… Read the whole story
As we head into Autumn, I’m reminded of the words from Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 that were read at the Queen’s Service of Remembrance at Edinburgh Cathedral;
‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…’
For me as a Christian, Autumn with its harvest of crops and fruits is a wonderful reminder that no matter what is happening in the world the seasons keep turning and there is always hope of new things and times to come… even if in the moment we find it hard to feel the hope.… Read the whole story
Team Hepworth have continued their work of clearing brambles and weeds from the footpath leading to the recreation ground. However due to the heatwave we have had a break, but we will resume our work once it gets cooler.… Read the whole story
The Chair, Vice Chair and Councillors of Hepworth Parish Council would like to express our sincere condolences to the Royal Family following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.… Read the whole story