Land for Allotments

The Parish Council is desperate to find land to provide allotments to residents of Hepworth. We are asking landowners in Hepworth if they have any land that they are willing to rent out as allotments.… Read the whole story
The Parish Council is desperate to find land to provide allotments to residents of Hepworth. We are asking landowners in Hepworth if they have any land that they are willing to rent out as allotments.… Read the whole story
The Parish Council commissioned a new village sign earlier in the year and it is being made ready for installation early in the New Year.… Read the whole story
Could you be part of a volunteer group dedicated to keeping our village beautiful?
We could be caring for the verges, trimming back hedges and weeds, planting bulbs and sewing wildflowers.… Read the whole story
Hepworth Parish Council are delighted to introduce Robin Shackleton and Robert Marsham, our new councillors.
Robin says he is looking forward to working with the Parish council and being involved in Hepworth projects.… Read the whole story
As part of “The Great British Spring Clean 2020” campaign we are planning to carry out a litter pick in the village on
Please meet at the Recreation Ground.… Read the whole story
As part of “The Great British Spring Clean 2020” campaign we are planning to carry out a litter pick in the village on
Please meet at the Recreation Ground.… Read the whole story
Whilst Covid 19 has brought much anxiety to many, bereavement to thousands, loss of business, loneliness and isolation, it has also produced heroic actions from our Doctors and Nurses, immense kindness and thoughtfulness in our neighbours, incredible generosity in all those who donated to Major Tom’s wonderful fundraising activity for the NHS, and it has given all of us the opportunity to slow down and appreciate our friends and family, our beautiful planet and life itself.… Read the whole story
Full details to follow… Read the whole story
Hepworth Parish Council were given some Daffodil Bulbs for villagers to plant along verges.
If you would like any to plant please contact Nicola Yorke 01359 252252
Hepworth Parish Council are delighted to announce they have appointed a new Parish clerk.
Her name is Helen Corris and she starts her new position on 27th November 2019.We… Read the whole story
Hours : 4.3h per week with 6 council meetings per year, 1 Annual Parish Meeting and Extraordinary Meetings as necessary.
Salary: Starting from £10.37 per hour depending on experience.… Read the whole story
After 25 years’ service, and 15 years as Chairman, David Stannard is to officially retire from Hepworth Parish Council on 9th May 2019.… Read the whole story
There will be no local elections in Hepworth on 2nd May 2019, as it is uncontested in this ward.
Please see the official election notices below for more details.… Read the whole story
The elections for Parish Councils will take place on 2nd May 2019, this is your opportunity to help shape your community’s future and lend your voice and life experiences to help make decisions for your community in these challenging times.… Read the whole story
A number of parishioners have registered their interest in having an allotment in the village.
The Parish Council is moving forward with the scheme, and is currently looking for a suitable site.… Read the whole story
The date of the Annual General Meeting of the Hepworth Parish Council has changed to Thursday 9th May 2019 due to Parish Council Elections taking place on 2nd May 2019… Read the whole story
Hepworth Annual Parish Meeting
Thursday, 4th April @1900
Hepworth Pavilion
The evening will start at 7.00pm with a very entertaining talk by Mike Wabe, Thetford Town Crier (who will be in full regalia).… Read the whole story
The Parish Council have received a request to replace the Village Sign. We are therefore seeking suggestions as to how this could be achieved.… Read the whole story
18.50: The Tribute
Read by Sgt Andrew Yorke
18.55: The Last Post
19.00: WW1 Beacons of Light
Lighting of the Bonfire
20.00: Refreshments
Home Made Soup and Bread, Tea, Coffee and Squash All proceeds from refreshments will be donated to the ABF The Soldiers’ National Charity – The National Charity of the British Army
20.30: Hepworth Angels
WWI Sing along, join in with old favourites If you were the only Girl in the World, Daisy, Daisy; Roses of Picardi etc.… Read the whole story
Any pensioner’s who have lived in Hepworth for 2 years or more are eligible to apply for the annual grant, which is available from the Charities Trust and distributed during December in time for Christmas.… Read the whole story