Covid-19 Ramblings

Whilst Covid 19 has brought much anxiety to many, bereavement to thousands, loss of business, loneliness and isolation, it has also produced heroic actions from our Doctors and Nurses, immense kindness and thoughtfulness in our neighbours, incredible generosity in all those who donated to Major Tom’s wonderful fundraising activity for the NHS, and it has given all of us the opportunity to slow down and appreciate our friends and family, our beautiful planet and life itself.… Read the whole story

Parish Elections

Local Parish Elections – 2nd May 2019

Become a Councillor

The elections for Parish Councils will take place on 2nd May 2019, this is your opportunity to help shape your community’s future and lend your voice and life experiences to help make decisions for your community in these challenging times.… Read the whole story

Battle’s Over Commemorations

18.50: The Tribute
Read by Sgt Andrew Yorke

18.55: The Last Post

19.00: WW1 Beacons of Light
Lighting of the Bonfire

20.00: Refreshments
Home Made Soup and Bread, Tea, Coffee and Squash All proceeds from refreshments will be donated to the ABF The Soldiers’ National Charity – The National Charity of the British Army

20.30: Hepworth Angels
WWI Sing along, join in with old favourites If you were the only Girl in the World, Daisy, Daisy; Roses of Picardi etc.… Read the whole story

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