Parish Council Meeting
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
There will be 30 minutes at the start of the meeting for the public to come and talk to the Parish Councillors.… Read the whole story
Along the Street.
September 2017 – 1 Session, 1 vehicle logged. Max speed = 36mph
October 2017 – 1 Session, 2 vehicles logged.… Read the whole story
Here are the Hepworth Lottery results for September and October – congratulations to the winners!
Date | First Prize | Second Prize | Third Prize |
9. |
At our October meeting we enjoyed an entertaining visit from the Perennial Mr Potter alias Bryan Thurlow. Before our eyes he was the aged gardener looking back on his life from the time in 1913 when he left school to become the gardener’s assistant at the local big house.… Read the whole story
We chose a blustery weekend for an art exhibition! Despite a few hiccups, which hopefully nobody noticed, we had an enjoyable two days.… Read the whole story
A celebratory afternoon of cheer and chat, providing an opportunity for everyone to meet, talk, eat mince pies and enjoy mulled wine.… Read the whole story
Who would guess? That on Saturday 11th November, as you happened to drive, ride or walk along The Street in Hepworth, turn into Church Lane, 200 yards further and a turn to the left, it would take you to petite France!… Read the whole story
Taking place in the Apex on Friday 1st December 10:30AM-1:30PM, Jo Churchill MP is hosting an Older
Persons’ Information Fair in Bury St.… Read the whole story
Do you need help with local transport? Click on the link below to find out more about Connecting Communities – bringing the traditional community transport services such as Dial a Ride and Community Car service under one new single identity.… Read the whole story
I would like to start a new Hepworth village magazine to be distributed to all 250 households in the village every couple of months.… Read the whole story
Here are the Hepworth Lottery results for July and August. Congratulations to the winners!
Date | First | Second | Third |
24.6.17 | Thompson | 6 Church Close | 7 Church Close |
1.7.17 | 17 The Street | Ingham | 15 The Street |
8.7.17 | Willowdown | 17 The Street | Hunt |
15.7.17 | 15 The Street | Davies | M Allen |
22.7.17 | 22 Church Close | 7 Church Close | Poplars |
29.7.17 | Davies | Ingham | Freeman |
5.8.17 | Turner | 17 The Street | 28 Church Close |
7th and 8th October (1030 – 1630)
We look forward to welcoming you to our annual exhibition and sharing with you some of our artistic work of the past year!… Read the whole story
Everyone is welcome to join a new singing group at St Peter’s Church, Hepworth. The first meeting will be this coming Monday (7th August) at 7pm.… Read the whole story
The annual Flower Festival will be held at St Peter’s Church, Hepworth on 29th and 30th July. This year the theme is ‘musicals.… Read the whole story
Combine a walk with some shopping this Sunday 9th July on the Hepworth Garage Trail. From 10am until 2pm. Free maps. Details from Nicola Yorke 01359 252252… Read the whole story
We currently have two vacancies for members of the public to become Parish Councillors.
If you feel you would like to get involved in making decisions about your local community,
local issues and make a significant contribution to the area in which you live or work, then this
is the position for you!… Read the whole story
that due to the resignation of Councillors Margaret Beales and John Beales, two vacancies
have arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.… Read the whole story
Fun for all the family at the Great Hepworth Get-together, on Saturday 17th June, at Hepworth Village Hall and St. Peter’s Church.… Read the whole story
We are delighted to announce we have a new volunteer joining our SpeedWatch Team, which brings us up to 6 members. We would welcome more volunteers which would mean we could increase the frequency of our SpeedWatch sessions.… Read the whole story
What a wonderful way to banish the January blues!
On January 28, in The Pavilion a little bit of Scotland descended on Hepworth! To the sounds of our very own village Piper, Monty, people arrived clad in various items of tartan!… Read the whole story
The Cafe de Paris will re-open at Hepworth Village Hall, on 11th November 2017, for an evening of gastronomic delight. Celebrating all things French, with the consumption of baguettes, pates, cheeses, quiches and desserts…yummy!… Read the whole story
A meeting of Hepworth Parish Council will be held on Thursday 2nd March at the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Parishioners welcome. The agenda can be found here.… Read the whole story
Join us for a walk around the village on Bank Holiday Monday, 29th May. Starting from the Village Hall car park. The walk will be followed by a ploughman’s lunch in the Hall.… Read the whole story
Come along to the St George’s Day Fish and Chip Supper at Hepworth Village Hall on 22nd April. As well as a hearty meal there will also be pub games!… Read the whole story
An extra-ordinary meeting of Hepworth Parish Council will be held at Hepworth Village Hall at 7pm on Tuesday 21st February. The agenda can be found here.… Read the whole story